
I think...

Join our summer homework for grown-ups! The homework is a short essay "I think..." You can write whatever you think, feel, etc. Give it a try and send us your essay. Thank you!

This essay is from Ms. Han.  Her native language is Chinese, but you can read it in English / Japanese to scroll down. If you can translate it in your mother tongue, send it to us.   








Think from the Perspective of an Earthman


What Time Magazine article Silent Night: The story of World War One Christmas Truce of 1914 accounts was real in history. “German soldiers and British soldiers exchanged cigarettes, food, buttons and hats as gifts, sang Christmas carols together, showed family pictures to the enemy sitting beside and exchanged episodes of their personal experiences.” However, the Christmas Truce was not permanent peace. The war had to continue and soldiers had to continue killing their enemy. One had to shoot the other who sat beside him last night, telling how he missed his family. The soldiers’ hearts were tortured when they had to kill because they had to fight for their countries. The Christmas Truce kindled hope and warmth in the dark hearts that yearned to embrace peace and humanity. We are deeply touched by the common yearning for peace. Simultaneously, our hearts are tortured when we understand the pain within when they had to continue to kill. The lesson to be learned in history is to think about the standpoint of “I”, especially in this particular year, 2020.


Year 2020 started with Corona Virus pandemic that aroused fear, economic recession, economic and political and social conflicts among people in many different countries. Year 2020 continues with floods, regional locusts plague and anxieties. Year 2020 is a special “bad” year, however, it is the right time for each of us to think about “I”. Where do “I” belong to? Do I belong to a family? Oneself? Do I belong to a country? Or, there is another option that will bring hope: Do I belong to the EARTH?


If this “I” only belongs to oneself or one’s family, one can be happy without caring about the conflicts in the world, for floods and conflicts don’t happen close to “me”. In other words, they are none of my business. Such an “I” can enjoy whatever are still going on, a book, a film, and three simple meals. The only difference is that one cannot go travelling as usual during the Corona Virus pandemic. If the “I” belongs to a certain country, one may be perplexed by the national conflicts due to Corona Virus. The global village and globalization is heading back to regional self-sufficiency. Global cooperation and communication are heading towards blocking communication and cooperation. This “I” who concerns the country may remain gloomy for a long time with the escalating conflicts.


However, there is a third option. Try to put “I” in the context of Earth, that is, to think from the perspective of a human being who lives on the earth that all humans and non-human living beings share. When “I” becomes a human on earth, one cares about nature more. One cares about the endangered species, climate changes and ecological balance. When “I” become a human on Earth, one stops accusing of another country and stops tangling in debates, such as, it is your country’s fault so that the country should be punished. If “I” am a member of the earth, “I” can break the cocoon woven by conflicts and perplexity, “I” can regain faith that humans are unique creatures with wisdom and love. And if “I” become WE, in front of the unprecedented challenge of Corona Virus, WE can cooperate, communicate and fight against disasters together. If we stand together again we will see light side by side.


The evolution of humans is not only the evolution of our body. Our minds need to evolve  with historical happenings. Everyday we are experiencing events that trigger the evolutionary genes. When we turn on TV and watch news of the world, if we are compassionate with those who suffer, if we try to reconstruct mutual respect and mutual understanding when there are national conflicts, if we are not bragging what we have already achieved, we are thinking from the perspective of a member of the earth.



In the future, with the advancement of space exploration, human mind evolution is essential and “I” needs to be expanded to be a spaceman. Not only an earthman, but a spaceman who aims at greater communication and cooperation.








