English Literature

English Literature · 03. October 2020
『高校英文法で楽しむ英文学の原典「ヴェニスの商人」を読む』is the reference book for Japanese high school students. You can enjoy the story though learning how to translate English into Japanese. https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B08K4C421D
English Literature · 07. July 2020
One night, Bessie, a stomemason's daughter, left alone in her home, called Black Cottage.To make matters worse, she had to look after a valuable pocket-book, and two villains were watching for a chance to attack the cottage. How did she protect herself, the pocket-book, and her Polly (the cat) from them? 'The Siege of the Black Cottage' was written by Wilkie Collins, 19th century English author. We believe you can enjoy his effective plot about a young girl trapped in a isolated cottage! ASIN:...